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I Can  I AM  I Will  I Choose  I Have  I Love  I Create  I Enjoy 

About Kenn

Breakthrough Specialist (and World Class Creator ;-)


I help people complete the blocks they didn't know they had so they can have what they want in life. Right from wherever they are using whatever they're going through as raw material to create whatever they want, no matter whomever they wish to be.


As a Licensed Massage Therapist, I cultivated an easygoing, nonjudgmental manner. I soothed people into alignment, altering their physical and psychic structure. Over time, it was clear their pain had deeper, older origins.


Now I practice some simple-yet-powerful techniques to take pain from 'survived', or 'endured' trauma that is still lodged in the body or the psyche, to fully-healed. It's something animals can do naturally on their own, and humans can do with a little help. These techiques 'rewire' parasympathetic circuits, and change our automatic reflex reactions to life and circumstances, freeing us to be truly present and creative. The pain is gone forever, and without having to relive any of the original trauma.


Easy. Painless. Real. Lasting.

"Wherever you are is just fine"
                                                 — Kenn Elchert



"Alignment is your natural state. You don’t need to find alignment – alignment finds you.             — Nick Breau

                                                                         Power Manifesting

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With your Personal Breakthrough Specialist


"I love being sober. My life is definitely way better, but now I want to fly!"


If we're not getting what we want, it's a simple matter of replacing an old, flawed structure with a new, working one. So why is it so hard?  It doesn't have to be, BUT we cannot see these structures ourselves. They operate on other-than-conscious levels, and like fish in water we do not even know we are wet. As with addictions, self-reinforcing structures keep them in place. Also like addictions, they are hollow substitutes for what we really want and are dropped like hot potatoes when our true heart's desires are satisfied. So, what do you really want?


Let's get it for you.

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Sat on the Rocks
Looking Out to the Lake

We've All Been There

Fear.  Frustration.  Helplessness.  Depression.

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"Every obstacle is unique to each of us. But the responses they elicit are the same:

Fear. Frustration. Helplessness. Depression."


— Ryan Holiday

     The Obstacle Is The Way

Am I Just Lazy?


It is not your fault. It's structure. It's biology.


"The ability to put forth effort is dopaminergic. The quality of that effort can be influenced by any number of other factors, but without dopamine, there is no effort at all."


                        — Daniel Z. Lieberman

                             and Michael E. Long

                          The Molecule of More


I thought I was done with depression –

what happened?

"When you hold clear, focused thoughts about your purpose, accompanied by your passionate emotional engagement, you broadcast a stronger electromagnetic signal that pulls you toward a potential reality that matches what you want."


                     — Dr. Joe Dispenza

        Breaking The Habit of Being                 Yourself

I have experience with Law of Attraction

through Abraham-Hicks teachings

from way back to 1996 — cassette tapes, two-day sessions and no more than 40 cutting-edge people in the room.  As the workshops have grown to many hundreds, to a thousand-plus, I have kept my finger on the pulse of this ever-more-nuanced message which at its core has never changed: We create our own reality. I know the Abraham teachings inside and out. I've been to many seminars and cruises. I live these teachings, experience their success in my own life, and have of course been in the ‘Hot Seat’ many, many times. And I’m not done. 


Immersion in mentorship with Nick Breau deepened this focus. With a now-sharper realization of truly being my own driving force in life, I am blown away by how it is way easier than I was making it.

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I’ve been where you are â€” whether as: an under-earner; drug or alcohol addicted; overachiever getting nowhere; stuck in depression, or able to produce great results in some areas of life yet not at all in others. I know what it's like to not be able to see any solution.


Now I understand mastery-level creation and attraction and how to impart that to others.


If you fight gravity, you'll lose. If you work with gravity, not only will you fly – you will soar!

Toy Plane
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Wondering if you're a good fit for Kenn's Services?

Then let's talk! I would love to hear from you. We'll do a 30 minute session on the house. We can decide whether or not to work together from there, and I promise to take good care of you! ;-) Most clients report feeling the benefit right from the start of this first call.


Not in NYC?  No problem.  I work with people all over the world.

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